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  • Writer's pictureJ.V.

Seeing it Eye 2 Eye

Updated: Nov 22, 2019

Everyone has heard the cliché, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," however, what does it truly mean? To say beauty can not be judged or perceived objectively, instead viewed and accepted on an individual basis, is only part of the concept. I believe beauty and art, in this sense can be used interchangeably. As you I welcome you to my website, I hope you see my art subjectively and despite it being something you like, I hope you understand it. As a 28 year old, African-American woman from the south side of Chicago, the "why" is essential throughout my art. Color and the lack thereof are key factors and intentional decisions with each work of art. As you journey through my art, I invite you to see beauty through my eyes in hopes that your understanding of me as an artist, as well as a person can be deepened, ultimately fostering a greater appreciation for my art and other art alike. At the very least I hope my inspiration ignites yours and we collectively illuminate the world.

Until next time...make art, make peace, but in it all - make a difference.

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